March 20-22, 2014

Sojourner-Douglass College, Baltimore

Based on the intense interest in healing Black families and communities and the experience and skill of Participants at the Table, it was proposed that IBW explore the creation of Father or Family Healing Circles in a select number of cities as a cooperative effort between Black Family Summit Participants like Fathers, Inc., Mothers in Charge, Black Psychiatrists of America, Association of Black Psychologists, All Healers Mental Heal Alliance, National Association of Black Social Workers and Justice Collaboratives in Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington, D.C.

Utilizing the collective experience of the participating organizations, a multifaceted, holistic approach would be devised to provide healing for fathers and sons in terms of the stresses, strains and traumas resulting from racism in its many manifestations; parenting skills; mediation/conflict resolution; counseling for formerly incarcerated persons/returning citizens; intergenerational dialogues; entrepreneurship and economic development; leadership development and organizer training, and civic engagement for social justice/change.

There was a discussion on the need to stop seeing the police as the “first responders” to crises in Black communities in cases where internal resources can be utilized to mediate disputes and resolve conflicts.  Kenny Braswell cited examples of organizations that fulfill this function in New York and Chicago. He volunteered to send the names of these models to IBW so they can be studied for replication.  Nana Pat Newton revealed that a Council of Elders has been quietly responding to appeals to mediate conflicts in Baltimore. Several arrests have been averted as a result of their interventions.

Black Family Summit Members Who Participated in IBW’s Baltimore Retreat

  • Dr. Daryl Rowe-President, The Association of Black Psychologists
  • Dr. Nana Pat Newton, Past President Black Psychiatrists of America
  • Dr. Lucy Perez, Past President, National Medical Association
  • Annelle B. Primm M.D., M.P.H.-Chair, Board of Directors All Healers Mental Health Alliance (AHMHA)
  • Joseph Benton, President, National Association of Black Social Workers
  • Carlyle I. Holder- President, National Association of Blacks in Criminal Justice
  • Kenneth Braswell, Founder, Executive Director, Fathers Incorporated
  • Dorothy Johnson-Speight, Founder, Executive Director, Mothers In Charge