Legacy Acknowledgement
Black Family Summit, Inc. (BFS) acknowledges the transition of our Founder and Elder Griot, Baba Leonard G. Dunston. The loss of his physical presence is felt deeply by his children, Kioka and Kwame Dunston, granddaughter, Nzingha Dunston, family, extended family, friends, colleagues, comrades, those who call him …Jegna, Elder, Baba!
During my time with Black Family Summit, I have observed Baba being many things to many people. His long-term friendships with BFS Special Advisor, Nana G. Rosaline Preudhomme and BFS Treasurer, Richard Jones, model a deep commitment and connection that spans decades of dedication. As a Jegna to BFS Incorporator, Katey Asseem, Chester Marshall, who previously served as BFS Co-Convener, BFS Ujima Team Member, Dr. Laura House and countless others in our collective and beyond, Baba provided guidance and assurance. His love for Black women was evident in how he loved and spoke about his life partner Gladys Sapp Dunston (Puddin) and greeted Black women with a sweet salutation, always using the word Queen. Baba had a loving way of making people feel seen and valued. He lifted our humanity and reflected Sawubona and Ubuntu, like it was nobody’s business Baba is and will always be…A Love Supreme!
Within BFS, Baba engaged individuals and organizations by charging us to FIRST love African people, demonstrate Ujima (collective work and responsibility), among other African-centered values and practices, and work tirelessly to strengthen Black families and communities. He called us into the work of Black Family Summit, he advised organizations, attended conferences and special events, spoke on panels, delivered keynote addresses, and responded to disasters. Baba organized, mobilized, criticized and legitimized…he is Our Warrior King!
Our village is indeed sorrowful, AND we are grateful to have encountered him on life’s journey;
Our village will shed tears as part of our mourning, AND pour water during libation
rituals as we call his name;
Our village will miss his elderhood and leadership, AND we will apply what was learned as a means of honoring the life, the love and the legacy of Baba Leonard G. Dunston.
With Love and Honor,
Dr. L. Zakiya Newland